Posts Tagged ‘awesome album covers’

Awesome Album Cover Friday: Potpourri

April 29, 2011

Yes, Alex…I’ll take ‘Awesome Album Covers: Potpourri’ for $1000.

...before you get pissed off, yes I realize these ladies are blind. The album cover is still awesome.

...easily my favourite album cover of the batch...probably in the top 10 ever for me, actually! Norma Jean, in case you were wondering.

I believe this guy is for real...if not...still amazing!

I know, I know, it's not a real album cover. It's a mashup of Sigur Ros...and Adventure Time!

...every Placebo album is art, I've discovered...this is one of the most emotional and jarring album covers I've ever seen.

Love the hair, Rivers! Awesome from the start!

An example where the album cover and band name drew me to the music...downloading from Bandcamp right to come fo' sho'!

And now, two of my other faves!

I love you Mr. Black/Mr. Francis!! (ps. listening to this album RIGHT NOW!)

That’s it for this week!  I’m going to try to get reviews up this weekend as happy bonuses!  Tell your friends I exist if you like me, SUBSCRIBE if you want to keep up to date (let me tell you when blogs are up!)

FINALLY, I’m doing the TECHNORATI thing now!  If you wish, please go the the Under the Pink page and do whatever it is you do to make me look nice and important! Love love for you!

Awesome Album Cover Friday: Monsters!

April 15, 2011

By request, the theme this week is monsters!  I like monsters.  I think many of them are as cute and cuddly as the ones on kid’s shows: Predator, alien from ‘Alien,’ the guys in District 9.  Adorable!  Of course, those are all aliens…let’s see what the ‘Monster’ category can bring us.  Though…I keep feeling like I’ve forgotten a really really popular album that had, like…something to do with monsters or some kind of monster…something that came out and sold lots of copies…hmmm…

My absolute favourite of the bunch!!

Nothing yet.  I’d ask you to help me remember that super famous album…like, kids today love it I’m pretty sure…but we’re existing in two different timelines right now, me being in the past and stuff.  I swear it must’ve sold at least a million copies…anyways, more album covers!

I don’t know what it is…I still feel like there’s a major omission right now.  Album?  Huge?  Popular?  Has ‘Monster’ right on the cover?!? Anyways, on with more!

Thought I had it for a second, but that wasn’t it.  Oh well.  There you have it!  Monsters are neat and come in all shapes and sizes…some tear you apart, some are big and green, some wear gas masks and some are just silly…

SILLY!  Now I remember that super famous album that had to do with monsters that sold a bunch of copies!!

Now I can rest.

Do you have a ‘monster’ album cover to share?  Toss a link in the comments!

Awesome Album Cover Friday: METAL!!

March 25, 2011

Throw up the horns!  It’s Metal Friday!

Please…no arguments on whether something I’ve chosen is metal or not…it’s not Bieber, and it’s not Diddy, so it’s metal enough 😉  Enjoy! And be warned…there is a bit more blood than usual this week!

My favourite! The band rocked live too!

This one is pretty...simple but...oddly metal!


Sometimes ‘Metal’ can be really really pretty! really pretty!

...and sometimes...

For my heterosexual readers...this is hot, right? I got it's sexy, right?

Damn right!



For my gay readers...this is hot, right? I got it's sexy, right?

Very...VERY awesome!

For those who are curious...I consider the Alien from the film 'Alien' to be very hot...Eddie is also pretty hot, especially in this cover! Please...don't judge me...


And finally, the album cover I consider the most metal, the one I associate with metal and have done so since I was a baby-child…

…to this day…I never noticed that he had some 1.5″ Fan Club pins on his jacket…


Anywhoo, I hope you enjoyed this week…it’s not quite over: expect a lot of Juno talk this weekend as I’ll be in attendance at both the Juno Awards and an after party and will likely be live-tweeting!  Follow me @Potoroo if you’d like to follow along!

Also, for the inspiration for this head over to Final Girl and check out her Awesome Movie Poster Friday collection, and her awesome blog, dedicated to all things horror!

Awesome Album Cover Friday: HAIR!

March 4, 2011

Thanks to the Timbehr for this suggestion…I could probably do a ten part series on this one, or subdivide into decades, genders, colours, size, or…just…fuck-ed-up-ed-ness.  Accompanying my curating of this list (…curate…oooh!) I’m listening to Tiffany…who had great hair too!  Enough jibber jabber…I give you…in no particular order…awesome hair!


Starting off strong!!

...use me?


...I'm on the look out for this one now...I used to select albums based on awesome covers and was rarely let down!

I'm beginning to notice a pattern...bad hair = bad album titles.


If I'm not mistaken...her 'hat mask' is also her hair...hmmm...


...I think this is my favourite...those eyes!


There we go!  Hope you enjoyed…if you have a suggestion for next weeks Album Cover romp send it my way, or to just chat with me about myoosik send it my way…make a comment here or somethin and I’ll get in touch!

Next week is Canadian Music Week for those of you who are interested in that kind of thing. I’m gonna be at the Indies but missing most of CMW since the fuzzballs are in town and I’ll be hanging with people dressed as animals and partying.  Yah, I know…wild life!